Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thoughts of rain

Pale lavender, orange sunrise,
breaking through cloud cover,
surfaces wet with last night's rain.
I breathe in moisture,
smell of earth and creosote,
raindrops collect and slowly gather,
rolling down the terracotta roof tiles
dropping to the ground-
Breaks the silence of
this crisp winter morning,
chill snaps me awake,
aware of my surroundings,
this present moment,
my surreal existence of late.
Getting used to unfamiliar surroundings
and constant disorientation,
the word "temporary"
travels through thoughts,
all things temporary,
makes me question
what creates meaning
as material things fall away,
surroundings change,
aware of how this winter
sunrise smells,
how the air
snaps me awake,
aware of the raindrops
slowly rolling
down terracotta tiles
to the earth under my feet.


  1. a very reflective and thoughtful write...the temporary caught me especially... i think there are moments we realize it more than in others how temporary everything is..even if we think that things around us are's an illusion...very nicely penned...def. felt...

  2. All things are temporary, some more so than others. To recognize that and be in the moment, hearing, smelling, feeling, is to be "alive." Very thoughtful piece.

  3. makes me question what creates meaning....nice...def the use of sound i love listening to them in real life as well....temprary is life, for sure...

  4. I really like the images here.

    Love the use of sound as well. Works so well.

    Nice work here.

  5. This is very interesting in its depth of thought about reality and meaning. You bring us into the moment, then begin to find some poetic reasons to question what makes itvall real for you, and for us as well. The following lines focus on this:

    all things temporary,
    makes me question
    what creates meaning
    as material things fall away,
    surroundings change,

    The chaging things, coming to be and passing away... temporary indeed, so what can form the basis for meaning?

  6. Oh, good work. Love the onomatopoeic elements as well

  7. nice...enjoyed the re-read...happy new year to you

  8. ha i am caught by the same lines...questioning the meaning of things...i think that is a good place to be...having been through a season of the stripping away of material things....and i think in that we find some wisdom...

    good to see you...smiles.

  9. temporary...maybe we can think of that as part of the mystery..a building of many temporaries to make a whole bunch of years...stacking them up to make one complete meaningful life...Happy new year to you ;)
