Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I Fall Surrendered      

You saved me from drowning
and placed me in your ocean,

I fall surrendered at your feet.

Let mercy pour down upon me
wash the mud from my skin,

I am tattooed with words,
let them be prayers.


  1. i love that they save you from drowning putting you in their ocean, an intriguing contradiction on the surface, but...really nice spiritual tones in this....

  2. Whenever there is a master who wants you to fall at his or her feet, I quibble.

    When I see lines like,

    You saved me from drowning
    and placed me in your ocean

    ... I have to wonder if the Great Manipulator has simply withheld the knowledge that you, in fact, are a fish -- and you were NEVER drowning!

    NEVER surrender, except to your own best nature...

  3. The spiritual finds metaphorical expression

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